The Rhamnus Foundation mission
is to gather and implement a private philanthropic endowment to give musicians, dramatists and consumers funded access to the Buckthorn Studios founder and resident artist, Lynn Job. This access enables, eases and liberates public review and collection by dissemination of her creative work in a variety of media and locales. This access fosters and assists new productions and projects, underwrites commissions, unburdens and nurtures performers, and expands the quality and quantity of her collaborations toward the betterment of her artistic mission for present and future generations. Foundation assistance is also concerned with preservation and archiving. Her professed creative goal is the same as for J.S. Bach: "soli Deo gloria" (to God alone be the glory). This artist's legacy upholds and celebrates the continuum of literate Judeo-Christian sacred arts traditions -- past, present and future. | Contributions are not yet tax deductable as "non-profit." We report your underwriting as direct business income unless special provisions have been made. (charter rev. A, 10/12/08)
Lynn Job has fulfilled commissions, requests and appointments since 1975 including composer-in-residence honors, festival appointments, and charity benefits. More information about her work throughout the Buckthorn Studios web site. Read a summary article (.pdf) "About Lynn Job."
Meetings held: First State Bank, 400 W. Oak St., Denton, Texas 76202
- Foundation Branches -
The Rhamnus Endowment - The Rhamnus Council - The Rhamnus Collection
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