Education Services - since 1999

Lynn Job - Doctor of Musical Arts

North Texas Metroplex | * FREE * = Music Appreciation Lectures ==> no longer available | here |
Zoom conference | * FREE * = HaYesod Alumni Fellowship
Monthly, and, by appointment | here |

for various * paid * services, scroll down, click to those pages

Dr. JobDoctoral Robe

- Social Pages -
about.me | Twitter | Myspace | YouTube | Director's FaceBook |
| Studio's FaceBook | LinkedIn (Education Services) | LinkedIn (Dr. Lynn Job)
Biography | Buckthorn Studios (home) | print Vita (PDF)

e-mail - "info (at) buckthornstudios.com"

verify credentials | University of North Texas Records Office

The Arts as Your Heritage

Options -- 1 (piano) - 2 (guitar) - 3 (tutoring)

- 1 -

Beginning Piano and Musicianship

"The total musician" - comprehensive education and refinement -
(minors require a guardian on-site)

students (all ages) ==> | click here |

- 2 -

Beginning Guitar and Musicianship

"The total musician" - comprehensive education and refinement -
(minors require a guardian on-site)

students (all ages) ==> | click here |

- 3 -

Music Topics/Private Tutoring - and / or

Career Coaching/Consultation (misc. fields)

Society of Logistics Engineers; National Association of Female Executives;
Music Publishers Association (USA)

students (all ages) ==> | click here |

education | back to TOP

Biography | Buckthorn Studios (home) | print Card (.jpg / 3.5MB / set 2"x 3.5" = best)

© Copyright 2023 Buckthorn Studios (SM). All rights reserved. | photo credits: 1. Glamour Shots/ 2. Lynn Job/ 3. Corel
email - "info (at) buckthornstudios.com"